
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Listening is what some people need ….. Nothing more

“A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren't we like that wise old bird?”--Edward H. Richards

Wish, people have control over few things in their life. However, looking back at those things, they think it’s good as it was rather than what would have done if it was in their control and with their intervention. There are few situations where people cannot just give their suggestions, advises or learnings in life but only can direct to right people without any biased opinions. Just listen to those people in trouble carefully and seek clarifications if don’t understand. I strongly feel this is what they need – listening to them. This is mostly in case of personal issues in life which are mostly beyond the control of anybody except those who are facing it.
One may ask why we can’t help those in trouble (personal life mainly) with our knowledge, understanding or experience that gained over a period of time. The possible reason is the following as I stated in my earlier post. ( It needs special skill to make people understand their problems at root level and make them work on them to make themselves come out of them, which need lot of practice.

"It seemed rather incongruous that in a society of super sophisticated communication, we often suffer from a shortage of listeners."--Erma Bombeck


Jyothsna said...

First of all, one should be able to listen to himself/herself. This one is tougher than listening to others...

Gurava Reddy said...

I agree akka. One should spend enough time to introspect themselves. Listening to others comes later ! For those people, who believe in themselves .. Probably this applies.