
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Should there be a reason to love !!!

I remember, my professor telling us about our innate feeling that we are intelligent and to prove to the world in every case possible. So, when we don’t know things, we try to guess with the knowledge that we have in past instead of answering genuinely that “I don’t know”.

So, I don’t want to prove myself as an intelligent guy and define love - which I don’t know. I really don’t understand the purpose of my life except that there is a purpose – I remember reading in a book “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”. I agree with it and I am in search of the process to find that purpose. Without understanding myself, I feel it is absurd about assuming my relationship with people. I do not know on what parameters we call ourselves like/love certain people. I do not want to believe that there is certain criteria exist for this.

What is the reason that I like people? Is It because they are like minded, they are good to me, they respect me, they belong to my family - or is it because I am a social animal and need company and obliged to like people around me - who don’t hurt my feelings.

What is the reason that I want to help those people I like? Is it because I want to get their attention, I want them to be happy, I want them to acknowledge my friendship, something I feel as an obligation or is it something I feel they expect this from me or is it the way I am.

When I search for the reason why I like and don’t have a persuading answer to myself – being a rational candidate, I am unable to believe the fact that “I have no reason to like/love somebody”.


Vidhya said...


This is such an exquisite piece!
I think searching for Life's purpose has become a life long process for some. But for the lucky ones, their realization has made their entire life fruitful. But I guess, some consider even the former purposeful. In short, any action going towards the ultimate truth is considered fruitful.

'Love' is a very broad term. Love towards what ? Love for whom ? What type of love it is, are more important questions.

I would said love towards parents, friends etc are part of our natural/societal instincts.

What real Love is is towards strangers and all - Universal Love.

Gurava Reddy said...

I strongly agree master.

It is not only broad term but also very abstract term as you mentioned towards what ? for whom ? .. all those questions

natural/societal obligations makes people obliged .. but cant make them truly feel for somebody. However - it is possible that we are habituated that way because of passage of tradition through generations by generations.

Universal Love : Yes - something that need to work on :)

Eswar Maruri said...

First, Love is neither quantitative nor qualitative. Ideally Qualitative and Quantitative love doesn't exist. Love is an universal truth and applicable to everything in nature/existence. So, How much I love, What I love - Really doesn't make any sense. Now a days, we are really afraid to talk about ideal cases - feel that they aren't applicable w.r.t reality. If we don't want to talk about an ideal case, How can we even work towards acheiving it? Everyone consider the reality as it is and accepting it. There is a need to know which direction we should work towards. The roots need to be addressed. Everybody is in a rush to prove themselves as a better person than the other in one way or the other. If there is anything to prove, that has to be one to oneself.

When there is no reason to like/love anybody then there is no reason to hate anybody too. Thats what called as Self-Realization. Being in harmony with the existence.

Eswar Maruri said...

First, Love is neither quantitative nor qualitative. Ideally Qualitative and Quantitative love doesn't exist. Love is an universal truth and applicable to everything in nature/existence. So, How much I love, What I love - Really doesn't make any sense. Now a days, we are really afraid to talk about ideal cases - feel that they aren't applicable w.r.t reality. If we don't want to talk about an ideal case, How can we even work towards acheiving it? Everyone consider the reality as it is and accepting it. There is a need to know which direction we should work towards. The roots need to be addressed. Everybody is in a rush to prove themselves as a better person than the other in one way or the other. If there is anything to prove, that has to be one to oneself.

When there is no reason to like/love anybody then there is no reason to hate anybody too. Thats what called as Self-Realization. Being in harmony with the existence.